Denison Parking’s long history of innovation and the keen sense to capitalize on opportunity began in 1926 when Norman A. Perry and his sister Ruth (Perry) Griffith purchased the Denison Hotel of Indianapolis. It was a shrewd business decision, as the hotel was located at one of the busiest[1] intersections in the country[2].
At the same time, Indianapolis was a top four automobile manufacturing hub, which had necessitated the iconic Indianapolis Motor Speedway as a proving ground for the region’s many pioneers of the automotive industry.
Bold Thinking
Calculating the value of the location and the area’s abiding love of cars, it made sense to switch from renting space for hotel rooms to renting space for parking cars. In the first of many bold decisions that have become the hallmark of Denison Parking, amid the Great Depression when many businesses were closing, Mr. Griffith had the old Denison hotel razed to open one of the country’s first paid parking facilities March 29,1934.
Wisely realizing that the name “Denison” was associated with the block since the hotel had occupied that site since 1880, the Griffith family kept the name and named the new business “Denison Service Parking.” The Denison name has remained with the company and the Griffith family, now in its fourth generation of leading the company and with calculated risks and visionary style.
Customer First
The space was made special by adding related services. Not just a garage, the location included a filling station, a car wash, and a tire store[3]. Our focus on amenities has been one of the first ways customers experience the “Denison Difference.” The customer-centric way we show our experience, coupled with an innovative, forward-thinking approach, allows us to deliver exceptional parking solutions tailored to personal needs to provide seamless parking experiences. That’s why our tagline is “Experienced. Innovative. Personal.”
Ahead of the Curve and Building relationships
Staying ahead of the curve, we upgraded the initial location in 1954 to a 650-space garage, including self-parking. This facility was the fifth self-park garage constructed in the United States and the first in Indiana[4].
Throughout the decades, our outlook and ability to respond with agility and innovation have seen us through wars, fuel crises, and changing consumer behaviors. This experience has allowed us to share our expertise on the unique needs of the parking industry and fluctuating demand to support economic development. Denison began consulting in January 1966[5] through its division, Mid-Continent Parking Consultants, the first consulting firm in the state dedicated to service for private and commercial parking operations.
Our consulting and service have helped us build relationships and gain long-standing contracts that have fueled our growth.
Growing with (and beyond) Indianapolis
Denison’s guidance was a part of the revitalization of downtown Indianapolis when Circle Centre Mall opened. Denison has managed parking at this location since its opening in September 1995. With Indianapolis as the “Crossroads of America,” the Indianapolis Convention Center has grown and expanded, and to meet the demands of travelers, Denison has been managing Convention Center parking since the 1990s. We have supported and grown with Indianapolis sports and concert venues with flexibility to manage the ebb and flow of high-volume traffic and parking.
Supporting and Developing Technology, Extending Excellence
Automation has allowed the parking industry to extend hours and increase convenience; however, human connection is always needed. As Denison has been the vanguard of technology with a customer-first mindset, in 2010, we conceptualized and initiated the use of a two-way audio/video system for a face-to-face experience for immediate assistance when anxious customers need it the most.
Since we’re always looking for a competitive edge, a win-win for our community, and green alternatives, we were early adopters of electronic vehicle charging. Part of our consulting work and expertise in equipment installation, this service is also emerging as a separate part of the Denison family, called Denison Mobility.
And in the spirit of growth and expanding our service, Denison Maintenance, the team who’s custodial and maintenance have been a special part of the Denison Difference, has branched out to become another sister company, PARS-S. The PARS-S name stands for Prioritizing Accountability, Responsiveness, Safety, and Service and they offer event staffing and security in addition to maintenance and custodial services.
Denison’s Future
As we expand steadily and purposefully through technology and relationships, our clients and parkers now experience the “Denison Difference” in 12 states and more than 170 locations.
Our diverse organization, including diversity of geography and tenure, creates a dynamic and positive environment. Seasoned industry experts bring decades of experience and collaborate with our new and growing team’s fresh outlook for proactive solutions that give our clients’ facilities the winning edge.
[1] “Lots of Parking: Land Use in a Car Culture” John A Jackle and Keith A Sculle, page 137
[2] The Indianapolis Sunday Star, February 4, 1934, “Denison Plaza Opens
Auto Parking, Service Center” page 9
[3] “Denison Gets Big Hand at Opening” The Indianapolis Sunday Star, April 8, 1934, page 20
[4] “Biggest—600 Car-Parking Garage of All Will be Built This Summer” The Indianapolis Star, Thursday Morning, April 2, 1953, by Robert W. Kellum, Front page
[5] Denison Parking History, revised October 1, 1990, by R.O.F.