Frequently Asked Questions
Click to expand any of these frequently asked questions to reveal the answer.
Find Parking: How can I find parking in my area?
We’re so glad you chose Denison for a great parking experience!
- Start by clicking this link to visit our “Locations” page.
- Click your preferred area on the map, then click “More Details” to open your preferred city’s location listings.
- Or select one of the buttons for our locations below the map.
- Click your preferred location on the map, then click “More Details” to open the location listing page or scroll through the list for your preferred location.
- Once you find the desired location on the list, click “More Details” to open the location listing page.
- You can also use the “Search” window by typing in the name of the location.
Reservations: You can click your preferred reservation location to start your reservation if a reservation map is on your preferred location participates.
Location not available? If we don’t have a location in your area, don’t worry! Denison Parking is expanding across the nation!
Contact Manager: How can I contact a manager?
After Hours: Please note that responses for after-hours questions will be returned the following business day.
Urgent Issues: For urgent issues, many of our locations are equipped with two-way live video at a kiosk, which is usually located in the lobby or at the exit gates. We encourage parkers to make use of these amenities where available if an immediate response is needed.
Call a manager: You can contact the manager of any of Denison Parking’s locations by selecting the parking facility location from the “Locations” page as linked here. The parking facility manager’s phone number is listed for each location. Every manager’s phone number is “clickable,” which means mobile phone users can click the phone number to dial.
Email a manager using our Contact Form: To use our contact form, click this link. Fill out the topic, state, location, contact information, and your concern. For a video on using the contact form, click this link to our Instagram post.
Citation/Parking Ticket: How should I pay my citation/ticket?
Since Denison Parking serves communities across the country, payment links can differ by location. Please click the link to our “Pay Parking Citation” page here to find the link and additional information about paying, depending on where you received the citation.
Citation/Parking Ticket: Why did I get a citation?
Please check your receipt and check your license plate number. Most of the time we are asked about this issue, it is found that the parker typed in the incorrect license plate number.
If you would like to contact the manager, please refer to the “Contact Manager” instructions. Always refer to the parking facility name on your citation for a quicker response.
Valet Parking: What is your privacy policy for valet parking?
Valet company is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property left in parked car. Valet company employees have no authority to accept responsibility for personal property left in parked car. Liability of valet company for loss or damage to parked car is limited only to the time car is being transported to and from parking space. All claims are void if reported after leaving parking area. Valet company has the right to move or repair the vehicle at the place of your choice and is liable for damages or loss to the customer, only if negligence is determined.
Your mobile number is not visible to the valet attendant. Standard SMS and voice rates shall apply when using this device. By using this service you accept the “end user terms of service & privacy policy” available at and agree that flash valet accepts no liability related to your vehicle.
Payment Apps: How can I download the payment app?
For your convenience, we have partnered with several parking apps, and the apps can be downloaded by visiting any of these providers’ websites by clicking the links:
ParkMobile Passport Honk