Centennial Park Lot

Parking for Centennial Park and waterfront attractions in Fort Myers under Cleveland Avenue/US-41 bridge. Enter from Bay and Heitman Streets.

Centennial Park Lot

1400 Heitman St.
Fort Myers, FL 33901
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Due to phone system updates, our main number may be out of order. Please use our temporary phone number 239.223.2136.

1400 Heitman St.
Ft Myers, FL 33901

Office Phone: 239.337.3338
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

Click to download payment apps:
ParkMobile  Passport   Honk

Centennial Park Lot Rates:
ParkMobile and Passport: 561
Honk: 561
(Non-event time) Passport: 5619999 for the first 2 hours free. This special rate is not available for event rates, and can only be used once in a 24-hour period.

Special Event Rates: $10 – $20, as posted

Daily Rates:
0-1 hour: $1
Each additional hour: $1
Up to 7 hours: $5
Up to 10 hours: $7
Maximum Daily Rate: $10
Night Rate (5:00 pm – 5:00 am): $5

Spaces available: 75